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Mora Primary & Nursery School

Making a difference

26th April Planting

This week, we have been doing lots of outdoor learning and planting. We made some garden rules and talked about how we can look after our school environment. We went on a nature walk around school and collected natural resources in a paper bag. We then used them as points for discussion; describing the look, texture and smell.


We planted some sunflower seeds in the garden and we are looking forward to watching them grow. We need to make sure to water them every day!


We moved and stretched our bodies as we took part in some garden yoga. We used a Hoberman Sphere to practise breathing techniques. 


Adam, Rafael's dad, joined the Star Class team to talk about Passover - thank you Adam! 


In phonics, we learnt the 'm' sound. We explored objects beginning with 'm' and had a go at writing the letter. 

In phonics so far, we have learnt the sounds: s a t p i n m.



- Please ensure you accept your Reception place by 30th April.

- EYFS will be closed on Thursday 2nd May for polling day. Please meet us at Gladstone Park from 10-11.30am for a woodland adventure! Please note, parents must stay with their child at all times. 

