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Mora Primary & Nursery School

Making a difference

19th April - Jack and the Beanstalk

It has been a fantastic start to Summer Term. The children have come back ready and raring to go! This term we are learning about planting and growing.


This week, we have been  reading Jack and the Beanstalk. We have also been exploring length. On Monday, we received a giant sized letter and found some giant footprints in the classroom; "Fee Fi Fo Fum, there's lots of measuring to be done!" We compared the length of the giants footprints to our own and used non-standard units to explore measure. 


We compared lengths of different objects throughout the week and used key vocabulary such 'long, short, longer, shorter, longest, shortest'. Perhaps you could find some objects around your house and order them from shortest to longest. 



- EYFS will be closed on Thursday 2nd May. Please meet us in Gladstone Park from 10 - 11 for a woodland adventure! 

