Uniform at Mora
At Mora we believe that wearing a school uniform develops a sense of community among the children, and makes them proud to be a part of the school.
Our school uniform consists of :
It is essential that children have a change of clothing for PE.
The school PE uniform is :
Uniform item | Where to buy the item | Cost |
Mora Primary Sweatshirt or cardigan with Mora logo
| Ace Clothing –
| £12.85 – Jumper £12.50 – Cardigan |
Navy polo shirt (short or long sleeve with no logo)
| Supermarkets – Asda, Tesco, Sainsbury’s | Average price - x 2 for £5.00 |
T-Shirt for PE (round neck, no logo, navy)
| Supermarkets – Asda, Tesco, Sainsbury’s | Average price x 2 for £4.00 |
Navy skirt
| Supermarkets – Asda, Tesco, Sainsbury’s
| Average price x 2 £8.00 |
Navy trousers/shorts
| Supermarkets – Asda, Tesco, Sainsbury’s
| Average price x 2 £10.00 |
Navy shorts for PE | Supermarkets – Asda, Tesco, Sainsbury’s
| Average price x 2 £3.00 |
Pull string bag for P.E (navy, no logo required)
| Supermarkets – Asda, Tesco, Sainsbury’s | Average price - £2.50 for 1 |
Book bag Or children can use a bag of your choice to carry their books. However, please ensure bags are small as large bags cause a storage issue.
| Ace Clothing | £10.60 for 1 |
Summer Dress
| Supermarkets – Asda, Tesco, Sainsbury’s | Average price - £5.00 |
Black shoes or trainers – plain black only | - | - |
Our uniform provider is Ace Clothing. You can order online here or visit the Wembley store for a fitting at the address below.
5A Courtenay Road
East Lane Business Park
East Lane
Pre-loved Uniforms
The school runs pre-loved uniform drives half-termly in the playground.