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Mora Primary & Nursery School

Making a difference

Innovation for the Future!

During Science Week 2021, the children of Mora were set a challenge to create their own innovation for the future. The children thought long and hard about the sorts of problems the people of tomorrow might face and how they might work to solve them.


We were amazed at the ideas our scientists and  inventors came up with. The next problem we had was picking the winners from all of these fantastic entries.


Drum roll….. Well done Marwaan (Y2) who was the overall winner for his entry to help an over populated world, ‘Earth Scrapers.’ Congratulations to Edward in EYFS (Nursery) for his amazing, ‘Solar Blaster!’ Well done Eleanor (Y2), the Key Stage 1 winner for her very funny, ‘Daddy Distractor.’ And congratulations to Zaineb (Y4) for your excellent invention to wake up Steve, ‘The Light Distributor!’


Check out some of the other amazing activities the children did during Science Week 2021! Click here.  
