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Mora Primary & Nursery School

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Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • A video message for the Mora children and community from some of the Mora staff!

    Mon 18 May 2020

    We have had such a fun time recording a message for you. 

    To view the video, click here.

    Which teachers and teaching assistants can you spot? Who is the best lip-syncer? 

  • Lock down and the most recent announcements

    Tue 12 May 2020

    Dear Parents/Carers


    On Sunday evening, the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, addressed the nation in a pre-recorded statement about the COVID-19 pandemic. In this statement he outlined that IF certain conditions are met during the next three weeks, it may be possible for children in Reception, Year One and Year Six to return to school on Monday, 1st June.


    We know that many of you will have questions following this statement about how this return to school will happen, what procedures will be put in place and what this means for older siblings. Over the next few weeks there will be a number of documents released by the Government that will answer these questions and support schools across the country to reopen in a phased and manageable way. As we receive this information, we will be acting upon it and using Parentmail to continue to update all parents about the steps that both you and we, as a school, will need to take. However, the opening of our school is not yet certain. It will only happen if the Government’s five key objectives are met.


    In the meantime, please continue to stay at home, stay safe and protect yourselves and our community. We must all continue to be aware of our impact on both passing on and containing the virus.


    Best wishes


    Polly Baylis - Headteacher

  • Victory in Europe Day

    Thu 07 May 2020

    Victory in Europe (VE) Day on 8th May 1945 saw Britain and its Allies formally accept Nazi Germany's unconditional surrender after almost six years of war. At 3:00pm, Prime Minister Winston Churchill announced on the radio that the war in Europe had come to an end, following Germany's surrender the day before. Spontaneous celebrations broke out across the country.


    This year marks the 75th anniversary. While we cannot celebrate this anniversary with our extended families, friends or classmates, we can remember all of the brave men and women who fought. 


    Year 6 Venus Class have been busily marking the 75th anniversary with their cups of tea. Aren't they wonderful!

  • #ProjectSmilesforBrent

    Tue 05 May 2020

    Some of our children have submitted wonderful artwork for #ProjectSmilesforBrent by Brent Police, brightening the days for the key workers in Brent. Here are some of their pieces of work (and also see more artwork from Brent children on Twitter).

    Thank you to all of the key workers in Brent working hard to keep us safe and healthy from everyone in the Mora community!

